Natural Cure & Treatment for Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes

Being diagnosed with diabetes can be difficult, and one of the first questions that come to mind is, “can diabetes be cured?” or even “is there a natural cure for diabetes?”.
While it’s normal to wonder about a possible cure for diabetes, it is equally important to understand the disease, its possible ramifications and how you can reverse it.
Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) condition where your body is unable to produce insulin or when it’s unable to use the insulin available to it.
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by your body to allow it to use the glucose from the food you eat to provide your cells with energy to function.
Can Diabetes be Cured?
If you are looking for an answer to the questions like: can diabetes be cured? Or Can diabetes be cured permanently? Then, the short answer would be no. But, some studies have shown that it is possible to reverse it with diet and weight loss – a healthy lifestyle.
If you’re able to reach and maintain your normal blood sugar levels without medication, you could be said to be in remission. Remission does not mean you’re completely cured since type 2 diabetes is an ongoing disease.
And even if you’re in remission (which is when you’re not taking any medication to control your blood sugar levels), there’s always a chance that the symptoms of diabetes will return. So the question remains, how do you reverse diabetes?
While diabetes cannot be cured in the technical sense, it can be managed life-long with the right treatment.
Understanding Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes, or Diabetes Mellitus, is a disease that keeps your body from using insulin the way it should. If you have this type of diabetes, it means that you have insulin resistance – meaning that your body makes insulin, but your cells don’t use it as well as they should.
While those who are middle-aged or older are most likely to get this kind of diabetes, type 2 diabetes also affects children and teens, mainly because of childhood obesity.
Type 2 diabetes is usually caused by a combination of things, including your genes, being overweight, having metabolic syndrome, excretion of too much glucose from your liver, faulty beta cells (cells in the pancreas that produce insulin)
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Treatment of type 2 diabetes
Again, diabetes is not curable but can definitely be managed with the right treatment. The management of type 2 diabetes includes a mix of lifestyle changes and medication.
Lifestyle changes include weight loss, eating healthy, consuming lesser calories, and cutting back on refined carbs, can all help you maintain your blood sugar levels and, in some cases, even reach your target blood sugar levels.
Medication for Type 2 Diabetes
Some of the most common medications used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes include Metformin, Sulfonylureas, Meglitinides, Thiazolidinediones, GLP-1 receptor agonists, SGLT-2 inhibitors and Insulin.
Natural Cure for Diabetes
While there is no real, known cure for diabetes, another thing that is commonly asked is how one can naturally cure diabetes — with the right lifestyle changes. So, here are 15 ways to naturally help reverse diabetes:
1. Regular exercise
Regular exercise not only helps you maintain a moderate weight and increase insulin sensitivity – which means that your cells can use available sugars better.
It also helps your muscles use the blood sugar present in your blood more efficiently. Some good forms of exercise that help maintain your blood sugar levels are weightlifting, running, cycling, dancing, swimming and brisk walking.
2. Reduce carbohydrate consumption
When you consume foods high in carbohydrates, it causes your body to break down those carbohydrates into sugars, and insulin then uses and stores sugar for energy.
But, when you eat a carbohydrate-rich meal, it can cause insulin function problems causing your blood glucose levels to rise. Therefore keeping track of what you eat and how much of it you eat can help you keep your blood sugar levels in check.
3. Increase fibre intake
Eating foods rich in fibre can help slow down carb digestion and a spike in your blood sugar levels – making it a more gradual one rather than a sudden spike.
Ideally, the type of fibres you should consume is insoluble and soluble fibres. A high-fibre diet also helps in the better management of diabetes and betters your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar. Some foods that you should include in your diet regimen are:
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Daals
- Whole grains
4. Stay hydrated
Drinking water helps your kidneys flush out excess sugar through your urine. In fact, drinking water has several benefits, including rehydrating your blood, lowering your blood sugar levels and can reduce your risk of diabetes.
And remember that water or other non-sweetened fluids are the best since those that contain sugar can cause weight gain and a spike in your blood sugar levels.
5. Portion control
Portion control, or how much you eat, is a great way to keep your blood sugar levels in check. The methodology not only helps regulate your caloric intake but also helps you maintain your weight.
This helps keep your blood sugar levels in check and prevent subsequent spikes.
Some tips for managing the amount you eat is to
- Measure the amount and weight of what you eat.
- Use a smaller plate than you normally do.
- Read food labels and check the recommended serving size on the package.
- Eat slowly
1. Pick foods that have a low glycemic index
A food’s glycemic index indicates how the food affects your blood sugar levels. Therefore, eating foods such as whole grains like wheat, quinoa, bhagar, daals, and non-starchy vegetables like carrots, mushrooms, and onions with a low-glycemic index can help reduce your blood sugar levels.
2. Manage stress levels
Several studies have shown that stress can affect your blood sugar levels. This is because hormones like glucagon and cortisol cause your blood sugar levels to rise.
On the flip side, another study showed that exercise, meditation and relaxation can help reduce stress and lower one’s blood sugar levels.
3. Monitor your blood sugar levels
When you measure your blood sugar levels regularly, it is easier to manage them and, in some cases, can even help lower your blood sugar levels.
Regularly monitoring your blood sugar levels can also help you track how you react to certain foods and, therefore, help you choose what you eat wisely.
4. Get enough quality sleep
Getting enough and good quality sleep is essential to staying healthy. In fact, poor sleep can affect your blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. It can also increase your appetite and cause weight gain.
It has also been found that sleep deprivation can decrease the release of the growth hormone and increases the secretion of cortisol (a hormone that is released when you’re stressed) – both of which affect the management of your blood sugar levels.
5. Maintain a Healthy Weight
Your weight and how you maintain it is very crucial to how well your blood sugar levels are managed. Studies have found that even a 7% reduction in your weight can help lower your risk of developing diabetes by up to 58%.
Another aspect of your weight is to keep track of your waistline. Studies have found that a waist measurement greater than 35 inches in women and 40 inches in men is associated with an increased risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and higher blood sugar levels.
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- Not everyone is eligible for diabetes remission
- Diabetes is said to be reversed when your HbA1c is less than 6.5% and stays in this range for at least 6 months without medications
- Diabetes Remission is possible by tweaking lifestyle in terms of diet, fitness, stress & sleep management
Before you embark on any changes to your diet or lifestyle, it is important to speak to your healthcare practitioner. This is particularly important if you are on medication to manage your blood sugar levels or if you’ve been struggling with managing your blood sugar levels.
You can also try our diabetes reversal calculator to find your chances of reducing or stopping diabetes medicines
If all this sounds a little bit overwhelming to do all by yourself, you’ve come to the right place. Fitterfly’s Diabetes Care Program is for you; it is based on scientific data and tackles diabetes in a holistic way.
With a coach, trained nutritionist, physiotherapist and psychologist guiding you through the process of lowering your blood sugar levels and reversing diabetes, we’ve got you covered in all aspects.
To know more, you can give us a missed call on 08069450746, and we will definitely get back to you.
Wish to know more? Sign up for our program.
**Diabetes Remission is the clinical term for Diabetes Reversal.
This blog provides general information for educational and informational purposes only and shouldn't be seen as professional advice.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can Diabetes Be Cured?
Diabetes is a chronic condition that cannot be cured yet. However, it can be managed efficiently with proper diet, exercise and medication and can go into remission.
Can type 2 diabetes be cured?
There is no definitive cure for diabetes yet, but it can go into remission. However, with the right support from your healthcare providers and lifestyle changes, you
Can type 1 diabetes be cured?
Type 1 diabetes is an auto-immune chronic condition where the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Currently, there is no cure for type 1 diabetes. However, people with type 1 diabetes still need lifestyle modifictaion along with insulin therapy and can manage the condition and lead a healthy life by along with carefully monitoring their blood sugar levels
Can diabetes be cured by walking?
Walking and exercise can help control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes and for weightloss. However, it is important to consult a doctor before starting any new exercise program.
Can diabetes be cured by exercise?
Exercise is an important part of any diabetes treatment plan. It can help you improve your blood sugar levels, boost your overall fitness, manage your weight, reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, and improve your well-being. However, exercise alone cannot cure diabetes.
Can diabetes be cured without medicine?
This depends on the type of diabetes. For type 1 diabetes, the answer is no, as the body may not make any insulin or not make enough insulin, and taking insulin is necessary for their life. For type 2 diabetes, or pre diabetes if diagnosed early with proper lifestyle modifications and guidance from healthcare professionals they can manage their condition or can go into remission.
Can diabetes be cured at early stage?
There is no cure for diabetes, but it may be possible to manage the condition and reach a stage of diabetes remission; in case of type 2 diabetes with early diagnosis and proper lofestyle modification.
Can diabetes be cured by surgery?
Bariatric surgery may be an option for some people with type 2 diabetes who are obese and have not been able to control their blood sugar levels through other methods and for better management you need to consult with your healthcare professional.
Can diabetes go away permanently?
Diabetes is a chronic condition, and there is currently no definitive cure for it. However, it is possible to manage the condition and reach a stage of diabetes remission.
Can diabetes be cured by stem cell therapy?
Stem cell therapy holds promise for the treatment of diabetes, it is not currently considered a definitive cure. Further research is needed to fully understand its potential and determine its effectiveness in treating diabetes.
Can diabetes be cured by gene therapy?
Stem cell therapy and gene therapy are still experimental treatments for diabetes and are not yet widely available